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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Value of Knowledge

  • The Value of Knowledge (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
    • John Hawthorne (2004; cf. Stanley 2005; Fantl & McGrath 2002) has argued that knowledge is valuable because of therole it plays in practical reasoning. More specifically, Hawthorne(2004: 30) argues for the principle that one should use a propositionp as a premise in one’s practical reasoning only if oneknows p. Hawthor…
    • In Plato’s Meno, Socrates raises the question of whyknowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. Call this theMeno problem or, anticipating distinctions made below, theprimary value problem. Initially, we might appeal to the fact that knowledge appears to be ofmore practical us…
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  • Value of Knowledge - Philosophy - Oxford Bibliographies

    2018-07-24 · Knowledge is clearly valuable in the sense of securing success in practical life, or at least making success more likely. Even philosophers, who disagree about many other things, do not normally debate the proposition that knowledge is of great value in practical terms.


    2015-02-24 · There is conceptual knowledge — “the framing of ideas and mental models, how we construct information in our head” — and there is procedural knowledge: “how we do things — algorithms, recipes, know-how.”.

    The true value of Knowledge is not in its accumulation, but in its application.

    Knowledge has value to individuals as it may improve their quality of life in a variety of ways. Access to education, information and other knowledge related resources such as museums are valuable to individuals and communities as measured by quality of life.

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