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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Discipline is the foundation of success.


No success until you accept the pain of discipline.

When you become disciplined, you give yourself unlimited power.

Discipline is doing the work. Do what you need to do and keep doing it until you accomplish your goals.

Eyeryone has to make a choice between two kinds of pain -

Either the pain of regret and being too scared of failing, or

The pain that discipline, hard work and success demand

It‘s up to you. Deep down you know where you rightfully belong.

To be Disciplined is to accept short-term pain for long-term gain

To choose Comfort is to choose short-term relief for long-term suffering

Both will hurt, both will feel good

But only one will set you free

Discipline matters if we want to achieve some amazing things.

You have to be committed to what you want to do. 

Create a plan then execute that plan daily.

"A man is great not because he hasn't failed; a man is great because failure hasn't stopped him." - Confucius

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